




「家庭紀實攝影大賽」(Documentary Family Awards)是一個新興的攝影比賽,共有水(Water)、家人的愛(Family Love)、幽默(Humor)、環境肖像(Environmental Portrait)、決定性瞬間(Decisive Moment)等五大類主題獎項以及評審獎(Judges Choice)和最佳攝影大獎(Best Overall),2017年剛舉辦完第一屆。


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2017第一屆家庭紀實攝影大賽年度照片第一名,環境肖像類別首獎。(攝影/Jeff Borkowski,美國)

Q: Would you mind giving me some background information about the contest. For example, how do you think in the beginning? Why do you want to run this award? How many pieces do you receive?


A: Our initial motivation behind the DFA was to create a space to celebrate documentary family photography. Because it is a growing genre, at the time there were no running awards, and photographers had nowhere to build accreditation and respect in the field! We wanted to create that space. On the other hand, we also knew we wanted to create a more transparent award process so that the photographers entering the awards would actually walk away with concrete feedback. We want people to have a better understanding of what will make for award-winning photographs and not feel left in the dark.


Q: What's your opinions about live judging? I think that it's helpful for photographer. Via talking about photos we may think more.


A: As we mentioned before, because we wanted a transparent process behind our award selection, we thought live judging would be the best way for the entrants to see for themselves how the decisions were made. We believe that this way, photographers can take that feedback home with them and use it to create strong photographs that communicate something to the viewer.


Q: There is a interesting category "water". Why do you build the specific one?


A: We want to switch up our categories so that all work isn’t being competed against in one single category. Family life is dynamic and there are SO many ways to approach it as a photographer. We went with water as a category for our first awards because from our own experiences as photographers, so much family excitement comes around water. Think about kids and pools, beaches, baths, hoses, etc. and you’ll get the idea! Sure enough, it was a really fun category to judge!

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2017年第一屆家庭紀實攝影大賽。水類別第一名。(攝影/Kelly Koller,美國)


Q: What's the meaning of "family" to you?


A: Family to us certainly isn’t restricted to a traditional “nuclear” unit. We believe in families of all sizes and orientations, and documentary family photography typically reflects the relationships between people that are family-like, for example, between friends that call themselves family. Specific to our genre though, we focus on photographs of relationships taken in a documentary setting (unposed) centred around the subjects relationships or life events, and not for another photographic purpose, for example a studio product session or a wedding. Of course, that’s not to say that some great documentary photographs won’t be created in a setting like that either. Complicated? Basically family

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2017年第一屆家庭紀實攝影大賽。幽默類第八名(攝影/Sylwia Szuder,波蘭)

is who you choose to call family, and we celebrate that.


Q: What's the meaning of "photography" to you?


A: To us, photography is a craft.


Q: Do you have any advice for other photographers or young ones?


A: Our best advice to photographers, and young photographers is to photograph with feeling and be prepared to work hard to translate that feeling. At it’s core, your work will be a reflection of your values so don’t shy away from that! But also understand, your value doesn’t come from the quality of your work. Photography is a medium of expression, and as we mentioned before it is a craft. You can spend years refining that craft, and we find that exciting! We have created these awards to both celebrate the making of great photographs, and to help photographers refine their skills and tune into their intrinsic attraction to making any given photograph.


(以上回答由DFA大賽共同創辦人Jenna Shouldice提供。All answers provided by Jenna Shouldice, Co-Founder of the DFA.)




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